Yes, I read personal finance books for fun. Because I know not everyone is as excited to read them as I am, I have done the hard work and rounded up my top 10 personal finance books to help you at any stage of your money journey – whether it be budgeting, saving, investing or mastering your money mindset. 

1. Millionaire Teacher by Andrew Hallam

Andrew Hallam, a former high school teacher, is one of my favourite personal finance experts and authors. He shows you simple, practical tips on how to achieve wealth and balance even on a middle class salary. Millionaire Teacher, the Nine Rules of Wealth you Should Have Learned in School, lays a solid foundation of all aspects of personal finance including how to spend your money, compound interest, fees, building a balanced portfolio, index investing and how to avoid seduction. If you only want to read (or listen) to ONE personal finance book, I would start here. 

Purchase Millionaire Teacher on Amazon.

2. Balance by Andrew Hallam

When Andrew Hallam came out with his new book Balance earlier this year, I definitely had to pre-order and it did not disappoint. I love this book because it goes beyond the finance and teaches the balance between investing and spending for happiness, health and wealth. This book very much aligns with my values in that “what good is money if it can’t be enjoyed and used for the greater good.” I highly recommend this book if you want to find a bit more balance in your life. 

Purchase Balance on Amazon

3. The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

This was one of my top books I’ve read in a while because it goes beyond the actionable money advice. This book really helped me transform my mindset and psychology around money, which is arguably more important than mastering the practical side of money. The Psychology of Money provides real examples of wealth, greed and happiness. This book will help you drown out the noise, stop paying attention to those around you and teach you to play your own, successful game. 

Purchase The Psychology of Money on Amazon

4. Worry Free Money by Shannon Lee Simmons

Worry Free Money ultimately changed the way I think about budgeting. It doesn’t over-complicate budgeting and narrows it into 4 different buckets – Fixed Expenses, Meaningful Savings, Short-Term Savings and Spending Money. Once you can find the right mix between these 4 buckets, your money becomes simplified and I also loved that it really teaches you to enjoy and spend guilt free on certain things, while still taking care of your future. If you have also struggled with Budgeting or find there is not enough money left at the end of each pay cycle, I highly recommend you read this book.

Purchase Worry Free Money on Amazon

5. Happy Go Money by Melissa Leong

I have been a fan of Melissa Leong for years and Happy Go Money is a light, fun take on personal finance. At the end of the day, what good is money if we don’t use it to make us happy? My favourite chapter was Happiness for Later – thinking about take care of yourself in the future. If you don’t know where to start with your money and find personal finance terms/concepts overwhelming, this would be a great start! 

Purchase Happy Go Money on Amazon

6. Die with Zero by Bill Perkins

Die with Zero is the personal finance book I didn’t know that I needed, but has completely changed my outlook on money. This is a great book for anyone who has had a scarcity mindset in the past and is worried about having enough to live on. This book shows you how to get the most out of your money as well as your life, so you can enjoy life’s moments and ensure you are not over saving. If you also worry about what is “enough,” I highly recommend this book. 

Purchase Die with Zero on Amazon

7. Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, your relationship with money is just as, if not, more important than the practical side of money. Your Money or Your Life teaches you 9 practical steps to transform your relationship with money. Whether you are just starting out in your financial journey or want to enjoy your money mindfully; this is the book for you. 

Purchase Your Money or Your Life on Amazon

8. The Wisest Investment by Robin Taub

Did you know that your money habits are formed as early as age 7; many of those habits and thoughts are passed down from your parents. I wish my parents had this book when I was growing up. There are so many personal finance books for individuals, so I love that this one is targeted to parents on how to teach kids about money. The Wisest Investment is an award winning book and is considered a must read for all parents. 

Purchase The Wisest Investment on Amazon

9. I Will Teach You to be Rich by Ramit Sethi

I’m a huge fan of Ramit Sethi and his approach and simplicity to personal finance. I love that he doesn’t over complicate finances and encourages readers to imagine what their “Rich Life” looks like and then save/align with that. Although this book is more focused on US accounts (IRA) etc. I think it’s still worth a read for Canadians around his philosophy of money. If you don’t have time to read, I also encourage you to check out his podcast, “I Will Teach You to be Rich.”

Purchase I Will Teach You to be Rich on Amazon

10. The Rule of 30 by Frederick Vettese

This was one of my more recent reads and I loved how realistic it was to everyone’s personal situation. In The Rule of 30, Frederick speaks to not necessarily having the same savings rate (e.g. 10-20%) your whole career; but rather, saving based on the more convenient times in your life (e.g. after kids are out of daycare). This is a very realistic idea of saving money and acknowledges that there are high spending years and it may not be easy to save large amounts of money during those years. This is a must read for anyone with a family or who hasn’t been able to steadily save throughout their career.

Purchase The Rule of 30 on Amazon. 

I hope you enjoyed my Top 10 Personal Finance Books. Let me know which one has made an impact on your life as well as any books I have missed on my list in the comments below. 

*This post may contain affiliate links in which I may be compensated if you use them. 

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